
Nature Spirits & Elementals

Nature spirits or elementals, are beings who exist in the four elements of earth, air, fire and water. They are respected and honored guest in many Wiccan and Neo-Pagan rites and ceremonies. An effort is always made to honor and call forth these nature beings for guidance as well as protection of the circle, members and land.

Nature spirits are believed to exist and inhabit all things in nature, such as animals, plants, sacred sites, and the mineral kingdom. They are known as Devas, Archangels, or “Lords of the Watchtowers”. Each governing a specific function in nature.

Earth elementals are known as Gnomes, earth dwelling beings that inhabit the mineral as well as the plant kingdoms. Fire elementals, traditionally, are the Salamanders, rulers of Fire and energy. They can be seen as the simple flame of a candle, to the molten lava of Volcanoes. Air elementals are the Sylphs, they are the wind rustling through the leaves of trees, and bringer of inspiration and new thought. The Undines rule the element of Water. Rivers, lakes, and oceans are their dominions.

In “The Encyclopedia of Witches and Witchcraft“, Rosemary Ellen Guiley states “some elementals are said to be malicious and unpredictable, tricking human beings into accidents, setting traps for them and killing them” pg. 112 (Elementals)

“If you trespass upon them, they will trespass upon you”, is a quote from the trailer and movie “The Hallow” that really stuck out and resonated with me. Nature as we know, has it’s light and dark side, as with all things in life. Nature is our biggest teacher, and yet we blindly ignore it.

There is a dualistic side to all things. Respect and reverence to nature and it’s gifts are of the utmost importance to every Witch. At least it should be. We can not ignore nor be naive enough, to think that there aren’t things that go bump in the night. Bad things happen everyday. There are negative influences around us at every moment.

Some Wiccan and Neo-pagan groups preach about Dualism, the Lord and the Lady, the balance between Light and Darkness. But so many times I have noticed such an unbalanced viewpoint within so many wiccan/pagan groups its daunting. We are taught in a way that there is no “evil”, and that we should be responsible for our own actions. The latter I agree with. But there certainly is evil/negative influences at work. Its common sense and logic, which is not that common these days. People want to believe that they are working with spirits of the lights, but the truth is, if you’re not sensitive or a medium, you really don’t know what you’re tapping into. This is serious stuff. Being aware can save you a heap of trouble down the road.

Never invoke what you can’t banish. A lot of rituals call forth the elementals in their circles. These are real spiritual entities that are being called forth, and yet most don’t know anything about them let alone their nature. Truth is, we don’t know what we are tapping into. We have managed to desecrate most forests, land, and sacred sites around the globe. We have intruded on most of their land. We have polluted their air and waters. Do you really think it’s a good idea to invite guests into your circle that you have repeatedly disrespected. How do you think they will serve and protect you?

Now, I’m not saying that this is the case with all elemental entities, but we must use caution when invoking such entities to come work for us. This goes for anything that is much bigger and powerful than us. We are to work WITH and accordance with nature, we do not command nor have the right to impose ourselves on these entities. Respect and reverence. There are mysteries and secret in this world for a reason. We must accept what we do not understand. Being a Witch is to understand that there are things in this world that are beyond our comprehension. We are half in and half out into the world of the unknown.

“The Witch” Release 2016

A couple of months ago, I stumbled across a film review that left me utterly wanting more. Naturally, I searched for the latest scoop, yet virtually found nothing on this film but a couple of reviews from the lucky ones that were able to view the film at the Sundance Film Festival. For those of you who havent heard, the Sundance film “The Witch” is scheduled for release in theaters in 2016. The official trailer was released a couple of days ago. My excitement is disgusting!

“The Witch” takes place in colonial New England, and follows a puritan family that soon suspects that evil is afoot, when their infant child disappears into the New England wilderness. Suspicion of Witchcraft is soon in order, the victim of course, being the daughter played by Anya Taylor-Joy.

Check out the official trailer release by A24